Monday 9 May 2016


Kylylee Ford OUR RECENT WINNER SHARED THIS IN A POST BELOW TODAY - Thanks Kylylee!! "Hi everyone, 
I won a woolen underlay, I went into the competition for my 10 yr old daughter she suffers with a bad lower back problem. 
I got notified that I had won. I was so excited and couldn't wait to put it on my daughters bed. (Postage was so fast)
We got to pick one of our choice and size. I picked the elite, besides the fact of the warmth and comfort of the underlay which my daughter can not stop talking about and she makes us all lay on her bed and it feels like your laying on a cloud.
I have actually noticed a huge difference with her.
She is less irritable and hasn't complained about her back.
My mum has recently stayed and she usually sleeps in that bed when she comes up too.
I didn't even tell mum about it.
My mum has had a 45 degree bend in her spine and has had major surgery to correct it. ( which all went well) but still has sore back problems and has issues sleeping and getting comfy. When mum woke up after her first sleep she said. Did you get taylan a new mattress I had a wonderful sleep and the bed is so much more comfortable. I told her about the elite underlay I won. She absolutely loves it. She does have a woolen underlay on her bed at home,
But it is like 100 yrs old. So goes to show that mums is still working after all these years but it's so flat now and old technology it just gives her some warmth.
So I am going to go into the next Comp and get mum to go into as well so she can get one.
Sleepy sheep is a amazing company to deal with just to top it off. I highly recommend their products and this company. Thank you so very much for picking us" THIS IS WHAT KYLYLEE WON!!! VALUED AT $400 RETAIL

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