Sunday 22 January 2017


Today we had a struggle with couriers. Need I say more..? The customer is not sure when they will be home and ask for us to give the couriers their phone number.. but in reality, I know the couriers are on their own run, so they will drop off the Sleepy Sheep wool underlay as it suits them.

How to keep everybody calm and happy? Communication. The customer wants to know where their package is up to (and tracking is not always accurate) and we contact the couriers and pass on the phone number as directed. The courier then updates us of the approximate time today the package will be delivered (which was helpful). And we communicate this with the customer.

It's the age old waiting game, the package always leaves us quickly, as we know our customers can not wait to try the Sleepy Sheep comfort out, but inevitably occasionally there is a delay in the mailing system. We use several courier companies, bit no matter which one there is occasionally untimely delays. All in all, we want our Sleepy Sheep wool underlays delivered in a timely and uncomplicated manner. We know most customers get their products very quickly, but for those who have a delay, we hope your wait was worthwhile.
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