Sunday 14 December 2014

Sleepy Sheep Answers- Wool Underlay OR Wool Topper, What Is The Difference?

Wool Is known to be a natural thermostat. For effective sleep, body temperature plays a large part. To drop off to sleep, we must cool off- body temperature and brain-sleep-wake cycles are closely linked. That is why hot summer nights cause difficulty sleeping. The blood flow mechanism that transfers body heat to the skin, works most effectively between the temperatures of 18 and 30 degrees. But many have found that later in life the comfort zone actually shrinks to between 23 and 25 degrees- one reason why many older people have sleeping disorders. The natural fibres in Sleepy Sheep wool underlays however, regulate body temperature, thus alleviating this problem and assisting those who suffer from night sweats, and even menopause symptoms of hot flushes. Also, studies show using a woollen underlay with its natural fibre properties has been recommended for people who suffer from allergies and asthma to assist their condition.

But many do not know whether they need a wool topper or a wool underlay. What is the difference? Many companies interchange these words for Google purposes but... read full article click here

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